1. JUDICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकसम्मत): Wise
Synonyms: Sensible, Prudent
Antonyms: Injudicious
Example Sentence:
The judicious use of public investment should be ensured
2. DYNAMIC (ADJECTIVE): (गतिशील): Energetic
Synonyms: Spirited, Active
Antonyms: Half-hearted
Example Sentence:
He is a dynamic young advertising executive.
3. COMBAT (VERB): (सामना करना): Fight
Synonyms: Tackle, Attack
Antonyms: Give in to
Example Sentence:
An effort was made to combat drug trafficking.
4. CIRCUMSPECT (ADJECTIVE): (एहतियाती): Cautious
Synonyms: Wary, Careful
Antonyms: Unguarded
Example Sentence:
The officials were very circumspect in their statements.
5. DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना): Diminish
Synonyms: Decrease, Reduce
Antonyms: Increase
Example Sentence:
Traffic has dwindled to a trickle.
6. STEADY (ADJECTIVE): (स्थिर): Stable
Synonyms: Balanced, Firm
Antonyms: Unstable
Example Sentence:
The lighter the camera, the harder it is to hold steady.
7. ENACT (VERB): (क़ानून अमल में लाना): Pass
Synonyms: Approve, Ratify
Antonyms: Repeal
Example Sentence:
Legislation was enacted to attract international companies.
8. TOXIC (ADJECTIVE): (विषाक्त): Poisonous
Synonyms: Venomous, Virulent
Antonyms: Non-toxic
Example Sentence:
The burning of waste is toxic.
9. INITIATIVE (NOUN): (पहल): Enterprise
Synonyms: Inventiveness, Resourcefulness
Antonyms: Being Uninventive
Example Sentence:
Use your initiative and common sense.
10. PLIGHT (NOUN): (दुर्दशा): Predicament
Synonyms: Trouble, Difficulty
Antonyms: Solution
Example Sentence:
The management must reduce our plight
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